[Papercraft Objects: First Prototype]
First Prototype: How'd We Do? What Went Wrong? What Do De Need to Fix?
Going through this process of creating a prototype I wanted to make sure I had both pieces, mask and dagger, in order to snuff out the errors this week so next week I could correct them for the final piece.
To start after last week having lost all my previous work on my dagger I had to work creating a new model and so I did. I chose to simplify this from the previous design I had to make it more realistic to the refernece dagger.

For a quick breakdown of our pieces I doccumented the unfolding processes for each piece,
And recorded the Rhino Templates along with the printed version templates,
From here I could get to work on my templates scoring and cutting them out. I used the basic paperclip and ruler for scoring while using an xacto knife for cutting out. Unfortanultey I made a huge mistake and didn't document this portion of cutting and scoring and because of that I am incredibly sorry. I had cutout two seperate versions of my mask in order to have a rough version and I still had those pieces left over from when I worked on it. I finsihed the project and realized after photogrpahing it what I had done. While I dont have a lot to show for that part like the individual cut out pieces for my dagger and only a little bit for the mask I tried to rectify this by doing some more extensive documentation on my corrections.
Here were the bits I was able to document and show as an example,
Now we can look ar some of our problem areas, Corrections are noted in red here in order to help the viewer understand where my problems are,
From here I transferred my print template images into my drawing app 'procreate' and redefined all the shapes. From here I could write down ever issue that came up along the way when I was creating my project. Orignially I made a little paper script as I went but it was cleaner to transfer it into a more readable form. I noted my corrections in red again in order to show a better view of what I wanted to change.

For my corrections most notably we needed to take a look at several different aspects of my mask and dagger. Starting with the mask, the most natable fix that needs to be made is regarding the depth of the mask. Because of it's thin style it makes it hard to use the eye hole piece correctly. To fix this I want to make the mask a little more deep in order to increse the width of those socket pieces. Along with this I want to add tabs in places where I messed up. Shown on my figures we see 2 major areas of issue, one being no tabs on some of the masks border making it hard to connect the pieces. And secondly, the eye socket pieces aren't tabbed on both sides making their connection very hard to add. These are pretty quick fixes as adding tabs isn't something that taks a lot of time, where I think there is a bigger issue is the length of the eye socket piece. For some reason when putting it together I found that the piece was a little misshapen meaning I will have to revisit the original model and see what needs to be tweaked. I assume in the unfolding process and transfer to 2D I ran into a small issue that caused it to shrink abit. My next fix is going to be the beak. I would like to try and extend the beak into the top on the mask using a more crystal elongeted shape. For two reasons, I think it would fit the orginal design better and I think the mask would connect easier. Another fix I will need to make is to cover the back of the beak in order to give it a more solid feel as aposed to what I had before.
Moving to my dagger I have a few design elements that can be fixed and edited as I already attempted in this go. Two similar problems I ran into was the fact that there were two aspects of the dagger that I orginally made 3D on accident and once I translated them into 2D I realized where I had gone wrong. The circles and 'inner dagger' piece both were made 3D in the template but apon cutting them out and scoring them I realized what would work alot better. I was also able to cut out the circle pieces which turned out to be a blessing because of how tiny the tabs were. When I eventually translate this into the final product I will correct the template in order to save space and paper. The next problem I ran into was the same with the mask's eye sockets. The cutouts were awkwardly shaped. I'm making efforts to fix the templates in rhino and tabs to both sides in order to get an easier add on. I marked up both sheets of print outs in order to show where I know these problem areas are and where I will need to tweak them.
The final details I'd like to add are different colors to the pieces in order to give it a more lifelike style to my pieces and make them more accurate to the referenece.
Finally I documented the final look of the piece in different places hoping to get some good lightning for my pieces. I hope you enjoy them!
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