[Papercraft Objects: Final Revision]

PAPERCRAFT OBJECT 2 ELECTRIC BOOGALOO This week we completed our second milestone project! While the first prototype presented many areas of cleanup and lots to be desired I think I was able to fix a lot of what was wrong with the original prototype. While it took a bit of work to clean up, the fixes were relatively easier than its construction. The model here came with some classy renders that look pretty darn spiffy in Rhino. I choose to use a red background in the mask redners to fit the asethetics of the orginal game that had a focus on red. RENDERS! And with the dagger I choose to use a plain white background as I found red clashed with the look I wanted for it. PAPERCRAFT TEMPLATES! I Included not only my versions of paper templates in Rhino but also what they looked like cut out. I used two sheets of grey and a sheet of black and white. Becuase I had such plain selection of colors to make it accurate to my referneces I picked up the Architeture cardstock pack from Mi...